Friday, August 7, 2009

It won't always be like this

I'm not sure exactly how to start so I guess I'll jump right in. My husband is always saying I need a hobby, to which my reply is "When do I have time for a hobby?". However, thanks to migraine headaches, Excedrin Migraine medicine which cures the migraine but the caffeine only allows me to sleep a few hours, here I am. 3:00 am and awake as if it was high noon. I guess it's a good time to start that new hobby.

My mother always had the dream of being a writer. I wish I knew the exact number of books she had read in her lifetime. It would probably be well into the thousands. I myself have never thought much about writing, always thinking of how poor my grammar and sentence structures would be. I have a tendency for run-on sentences, remember those? However, the older I get the more appealing it has become. I read articles in magazines in which the author is a mom who does freelance writing and I think "how fun is that!". Is this God is giving me gift, a new career? I'm not sure, I think it's just because I am realizing what a poor memory I have and if I don't write things down, I'll forget them. My sister and husband constantly will talk about things from our childhood or the past and I just don't remember them. I have tried through my life, starting in my teens to maintain a diary or journal. I would write everyday for perhaps a week and them the next entry would be years later. Typing is so much easier.

Our lives move so swiftly, with no time to slow down. I want to be able to use words to remember. The soft touch, sounds, smells, ideas that will not only capture the memory, but the moment.

I remind myself all the time, "it won't always be like this". On bad days when nothing goes right and I feel like I just want to hide in bed, I remind myself, "it won't always be like this". On the days or early mornings like now, when I have a toddler curled up in my lap with his "boppy" and sippy cup, so soft and sweet, I remind myself, "it won't always be like this".


  1. Yeah another new blog to follow. Hope you and the boys are doing well. I have a blog too mine is I started mine just to have a record of the things that happen in Josiah's life. I started the journal thing but mine only lasted a couple of weeks too.

  2. Welcome to the world of blogging!

    -- Rhonda

  3. I'll help you if I can. I am not very good. I just played a little & found something that worked :) There has to be an easier way to do the pictures that is what takes me soo long.

  4. just found your blog - read it - love it - look forward to future posts - check mine out (I have 3) when you can find a free minute.
